Judge suspends Britney Spears' Father from Conservatorship

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Superior Court Judge Brenda Penny has suspended Britney Spears' father from the conservatorship that has controlled the singer's life and money for 13 years, saying the arrangement "reflects a toxic environment."

On Monday, Britney Spears' lawyer filed documents against Britney's father and conservator, Jaime Spears, that alleges a range of tactics that was aimed at controlling the singer's life.

Britney Spears' attorney, Mathew Rosengart, stated in the court filing:

“Mr. Spears was, of course, never fit to serve, for all of the many compelling reasons already contained in the record, ranging from his lack of financial acumen, to his bankruptcy, to his reported alcoholism, to the trauma he caused his daughter since her childhood, to the Domestic Violence Restraining Order recently issued against him,” he continued by stating, “But now, the chickens have truly come home to roost.”

Rosengart would mention allegations brought forward by the New York Times, mentioning how these allegations are an extreme invasion of Britney's privacy.

According to the report, Jaime and other individuals would monitor Britney's phone use and placed a recording device in the singer's bedroom, that would capture hours of private conversations between Britney and her children, as well as her lawyer.

“Mr. Spears has crossed unfathomable lines,”

Rosengart stated in the court filings filed.

On Wednesday, a hearing is set to possibly determine whether Britney will potentially regain control of her life and money.

“In short, we respectfully submit that based upon fundamental legal principles — including what is indisputably in the conservatee’s `best interests’ — the path forward is clear: Mr. Spears’ latest efforts at delay must be rejected; he must be suspended on September 29th; followed by the prompt termination of the conservatorship.”

This was stated in the court filings by Rosengart

Jaime Spears has defended his work as conservator to his daughter and has recently stated that he will step down from his role after the completion of the latest accounting of her estate. Jaime has also said he agrees with the ending of her conservatorship.

*This story is still developing*

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