College Students Are Rethinking Their Plans For The Fall

The coronavirus pandemic has changed education across the country with schools, colleges and universities switching to primarily online learning in order to help stop the spread of the virus.

So what does that mean for the college students getting ready for the fall, especially to those paying high tuition rates and housing costs for the experience of going away to school, only to be told that even if they end up on campus in a dorm, classes will only be available online?

Well, some students and their families are thinking twice since many colleges and universities are NOT reducing tuition rates. Ding Dong, what's up with that colleges?!

The questions, especially for freshman getting ready for their first year away from home are:

  • Is the college experience still worth it if they can't be on campus?
  • Should I skip a semester or take a 'gap year' and wait to see how things play out?

CBS News talked to students who are considering their options and here's what some of them are saying:

  • "I won't have that freshman experience."
  • "I realized I'm a lot better at learning in person than online. I felt that my money would be put to better use if I were to wait for classes to be in person."
  • "I've taken online courses before, and I think that they're fine...Obviously not ideal."

Jill Schlesinger is a business analyst with CBS News and she discussed taking a gap year (and what it could cost you in the long run in terms of earning), refinancing student loans, whether or not you can fight for a refund for a portion of tuition, and tuition insurance....who knew?

She explains all of that and more below.

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