School Shooting PSA Sparks Much Needed Conversation

This is the new PSA by Sandy Hook Promise.

The "Back To School Essentials" shows multiple students seemingly just showing off their new school materials. Binders, scissors, shoes, backpacks, etc. It starts out very typically, almost like a retail company's commercial that's showing off their new products.

Then things take a turn.

You see kids running in the background.

Then gun shots down the hall.

Before you know it, the kids are using their new school supplies to secure doors, treat injuries, and arm themselves against attack.

This is not the school safety advocacy group's first video. You may be familiar with their video "Evan."

Both of them are impactful and both of them serve the same purpose. They bring attention to the very real problem that is school shooters and the very real danger that American students face every single day when they walk onto their school campus.

According to USA Today, 83 students were killed or injured in school shootings last year, while over 228,000 Americans students have been exposed to school gun violence since the Columbine High School shooting in 1999.

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