Indian Man has 4-Inch Devil Horn Removed from Head

A man in India was had to go under the knife to have a nearly four-inch horn from the top of his head.

Seventy-four year-old Shyam Lal Yadav had injured his head almost five years ago that later resulted in a small lump that originally didn't look unusual.

His doctor, Vishal Gajbhiye says Yadav ignored his injury at first, saying that it didn't hurt.

"Also, he got the growth cut by the local barber. But, when the lump hardened and started growing further, he approached the hospital at Sagar."

Upon his arrival at the hospital, Dr. Gajbhiye diagnosed him with a sebaceous horn, also known as a devil's horn.

He removed the horn and his patient is on the mend...check out some of the pictures of the horn below, but be warned it's pretty stomach churning:

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