#TechTalk: Virtual Massages & Digitized Photos

Would you like to get a massage in a place like this?

What about a place like this?

Well, that is now a very real option with Esqapes: Immersive Relaxation.

What is it?

Well, it's actually kinda just what it sounds like. It is an immersive massage experience where you can virtually go wherever you want to go with a virtual reality headset.

Do you have a ton of old, physical photos?

Are you afraid that they're going to get torn up or lost going forward?

You need to digitize them!

If you want to do it yourself, pick up a flatbed scanner or multifunction printer. Make sure the resolution is at least 600 dots per inch, or you'll lose details in the scanning process.

But, if you don't have time to do it yourself, there are plenty of services out there that can help you with it all. Just go to AARP and read all about it.

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