See the drunk lady who attacked us get escorted away

On Wednesday we were out at the Valencia Town Center, collecting money for the Red Cross to benefit the people and firefighters affected by the nasty wildfires.

The day was a success, but right at the end of the show something bizarre happened. This very intoxicated lady started swirling around like an airplane in front of us and then called us "f**kheads."


She then threw her purse onto the broadcast stage and hit Ken! Wine glasses were knocked over, she flipped off the crowd, it was chaos!

In the video above, you can see the end of the madness when she was escorted away by a few KFI staff members. 

She ended up escaping into the mall and going into the Cheesecake Factory, where she proceeded to steal people's food right off their plates! Cheesecake Factory workers eventually called the cops who came and took care of her.

If anyone out there has a full video of this woman, please send it to us! You can hear what the ordeal sounded like on the air below:

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