Snoop Doggy Doppelgänger

Uhh.... who's gonna tell them?

Snoop trending after a tweet from popular podcast Mat George's mom goes viral.

The tweet reads from George (@matchu_chutrain) "I’ve been in LA for a year and haven’t seen a single celebrity. My mom comes for a weekend and meets Snoop Dogg."

However... it's not exactly the self-proclaimed father of rap.

The photo shows George's mother standing next to a gentleman that's not exactly the rap legend.

To her credit, the man shares a very close resemblance to the beloved rapper from the height, to the build, to the hairstyle the guy has snoop's look down to a "T" .. at least from a distance.

George has since received over 4,000 tweets from the internet pointing out that the man was not Snoop Dogg.

Following the barrage of tweets, he replied, "Can everyone stop saying it’s not Snoop Dogg. My mom’s gonna be heartbroken the next time she logs onto Twitter."

A hilarious scenario that can't help but make you do a double take.

(Seen Above) Fun Fact: Snoop and the doppelganger have actually met before!

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