Dr Winters: Trump could be in trouble

Dr. Robert Winters is a board-certified infectious disease specialist at Westside Travel Medicine in Santa Monica.

Dr. Winters has been on the front-lines and has seen many COVID-19 infections and the damage this virus can do to a person.

To no surprise, Dr. Winters says President Trump's COVID-19 infection could be dangerous due to his age and weight.

Also to no surprise, social media wack-jobs are wasting no time wishing death on President Trump.

This from the NY Post:

Twitter says it will suspend users who tweet that they hope for President Trump’s death following his positive coronavirus diagnosis.
The social media platform told Motherboard it could dole out the suspensions under an “abusive behavior” rule that’s been in place since April.
“Content that wishes, hopes or expresses a desire for death, serious bodily harm or fatal disease against an individual is against our rules,” Twitter said in a statement to the outlet.
The anti-abuse policy explicitly bans tweets “hoping that someone dies as a result of a serious disease e.g., “I hope you get cancer and die.”
It’s not clear how often the rule will be enforced, as many have taken to Twitter to send ill wishes to the president since his and first lady Melania’s positive tests were announced early Friday morning.

So have at it you freaks. Just know that Twitter might ban you. I'm sure are shaking in your antifa boots.

Listen to John & Ken talk to Dr. Robert Winters about how the coronavirus could harm President Trump in the next few days.

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