Ohio Man Is Drinking Only Beer For Lent

Vintage Brewers Join The Great British Beer Festival

Photo: Getty Images

The season of Lent is upon us.

Just in case you're not sure what Lent is, it's a time when Christians give up something they enjoy in honor of Christ's forty day fast in the desert.

It starts on Ash Wednesday and ends 46 days later on Easter Sunday.

Well, an Ohio resident came up with the BEST idea for Lent.

He's going to only be drinking Beer.

Yes, beer.

That's it... and some water for health reasons.

But that's it.

No food.

Just some cold beer and water.

Del Hall is the owner of Fifty West Brewery in Ohio and has the restaurant participating as well.

Until, Easter Sunday the Brewery won't be serving food, only beer.

“I'm an army veteran, I was number one in my class in the army, I've run a full marathon before, 26.2 miles, I've done big challenges but this seems very daunting,” Hall said. “So I'm just curious if I'm up to the challenge, if I'm going to be able to do it or not.”

We're rooting for you Del!

You can do it!

Drink that beer!!

Rumor has it, you've already lost fifteen pounds in the process and lent has only been going on for a little over a week.

Maybe next year, this is an idea for us to try.

Read more on this story here.

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