Trump Criticizes Jerry Brown for Pardoning Illegals

Governor Jerry Brown spent his weekend issuing pardons. 56 total pardons to be exact, and 14 commutations. 

Five of the pardons issued were for immigrants who have former convictions and face higher risks for deportations. The pardons won't fully protect them from deportation completely but clearing their criminal history can aid their legal arguments for staying in the country. 

One of the pardons was issued to and veteran of the US military, Sokha Chhan. Chhan is a Cambodian refugee who served a year in jail for inflicting corporal injury on a spouse and threatening a crime with the intent to terrorize. Lovely. 

Another pardon was given to Daniel Maher after being convicted of kidnapping, robbery, and using a firearm.  

Trump spent his Saturday morning tweeting the crimes of those pardoned and asking the question, "Is this really what California wants?" 

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