Code Pink Protester Laughs at Sessions, Gets Arrested

A jury has convicted three Code Pink protesters for charges having to do with the confirmation of Jeff Sessions.

One of whom, says she was brought down for simply laughing.

Desiree Fairooz says she and two other protesters were at the January meeting when Alabama Senator Richard Shelby said Jeff Sessions record of “treating all Americans equally under the law is clear and well-documented.”

It was then when Fairooz let out a small laugh.

“It was spontaneous. It was an immediate rejection of what I considered an outright lie or pure ignorance.”

When officers came over to her, she expected to be given a verbal warning...instead she was taken into custody.

Prosecutors during the two day trial said she was more disruptive than she says she was.

“Let out a loud burst of laughter, followed by a second louder burst of laughter. [she] grew loud and more disruptive, eventually halting the confirmation hearing.”

Fairooz was found guilty of two charges, one of disorderly and disruptive conduct and a charge of parading or demonstrating on Capitol grounds.

She can face up to 12 months in jail, $2,000 in fines or both depending on her sentencing in late June.

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