88-year-old Walmart greeter fired for not stopping wild turkey from coming into store

88-year-old Walmart greeter Bob Tallinger from Wisconsin was fired for not stopping a wild turkey from wandering into the store.

Tallinger was told he should have alerted a manager when the big bird walked in. He told what happened to WISN:

"It starts and it goes back around and then it walks out."

So it sounds like the bird didn't cause any kid of ruckus. No harm, no fowl...

His wife, Janet Tallinger, thinks the firing was not fair:

"He was hired to be a greeter and that's what he did. He never saw a book of rules that said if a wild turkey comes in here you better run and get management. Granted he's gotten older and granted he's lost a little memory but nevertheless that hasn't prevented him from being an excellent greeter."

Janet added that Bob was the most popular person at the store, and working there was his favorite part of the day.

The only thing Walmart had to say was this:

"We appreciate the public's concern and take this situation seriously. While we will not comment on HR matters, we can confirm Mr. Tallinger is no longer with the company."

Just hire him back, it's all he's got!

Meanwhile a Montana State Professor is suing Walmart for libel, because he says an employee at the store listed his occupation on his fishing license as "toilet cleaner."

The professor, Gilbert Kalonde, says Walmart exposed him to “hatred, contempt, ridicule.”

He's a professor, dammit! Not a toilet cleaner!

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